Emergency Numbers

Note :That if you pay any bill which is our responsibility we will reimburse you as soon as possible once we receive the original invoice. In any emergency the best thing is get on with fixing it and tell us as soon as practical. Call Karen Hill at 07827407168 and email us when possible. But don't wait ; get it fixed.


Drains , plumbing :
Call WG Harrison on 262 1884 & they will clear blocked drains & send the bill to us. Plumbing is a delicate issue. If the fault arises from your plumbing or your neighbours you will have to pay. If you are getting water ingress from another flat always try to get in contact with the resident of that flat before calling anyone out. If you do not it will mean someone else has to do this. We can only enter without permission in a real emergency.

If you cannot reach WG Harrison use DrainClear on 0116 241 9999 (mobile 07860 843 652) or Dynorod on 0800 112 112. We will reimburse you but they are more expensive than Harrisons so please do this only in emergency.


Wasps & other pests :
Call Target Pest Control on 0845 055 4992. They should perform & send the bill to us. If you can't get them speak to the local authority.


Electrical :
We have used Graham Facer on 277 8976 or DT Electrical on 0776 786 2378.

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Balcony railings - Flat 4 - further update
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Idaman Residence 33/7
8 Jalan Law Yew Swee
50250 Kuala Lumpur

haward@caledonianroofdwellers.com celia@caledonianroofdwellers.com

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